Monday, August 31, 2009

It's almost fall, ya'll!

I absolutely love fall. The cool air, the changing trees, cute closed-toe shoes, football, holidays (including the most important, my birthday. Ha!) and of course, the FOOD. With the season steadily heading our way here in the South, I decided to get in the spirit and make pumpkin oatmeal bars. I got the idea and the recipe from a fantastic blog I follow -- Points and Pounds. (A big thank you to you, Jeannie!) These yummy, festive eats are only 1 Weight-Watcher point per cookie and were super easy to make. Not to mention, my house smells amazing! It makes me want to throw a log on the fire and wrap up in a warm blanket.
Since I had such a good time making Jeannie's cookies, I thought, why not make this a weekly thing? So on "Meg Makes It on Mondays," (Cute, huh?) I will choose a healthy recipe or meal idea from the various blogs I read (with permission, of course), or from those budding chefs out there that wouldn't mind sharing their culinary creations with me via e-mail ( or in my comments. I'm open to anything -- vegetarian, gluten-free, no dairy, low carb, all carb -- your choice! Me, and my hungry husband, would appreciate some new dishes! :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Help, please!

For anyone that has used Blogger, why can't I add any blog I want to my blog roll? Is there some Blogger rule I'm missing here? I've tried to add several tonight, and it won't save.

Fishing…and too much food

"Where's my fish?"

I wish I could say that I did as well on my food plan yesterday as I did Friday, but I didn’t. At all. I started yesterday seemingly well, with two organic eggs and dry, high-fiber toast for breakfast. I met my friends for some fishing around 11, so we decided to stop for lunch before riding out to the pond. Everyone wanted KFC, so I asked if we could do a half-grilled, half-crispy bucket. I also ordered a side of green beans, with all intentions of staying away from the macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, coleslaw and of course, the to-die-for biscuits. But did I? Nope. I think I was having third-child syndrome and didn’t want to be left out of what everyone else got to eat. Kinda like when I was a kid, and my older sisters got to watch scary movies and I didn’t. Despite knowing that I would have horrible nightmares about men in masks chasing me with chainsaws, I had no interest in watching age-appropriate programming. The same scenario could be said of yesterday, except substitute food instead of flicks.

I got a couple scoops of everything except for the macaroni and cheese, and even had an –sigh – extra crispy chicken thigh along with my grilled breast. To make things tastefully worse, Lori’s sweet mom made us homemade cupcakes. Who can say no to one of those?

The food setbacks didn’t hinder the fun of fishing (although my dog almost choking to death did. He got a hold of a chicken bone, but luckily, Lori’s husband was able to pull it out of his throat – thanks, Teddy!). A favorite pastime of my family, all those poles and hooks brought back a lot of great memories. The sky was perfectly cloudy, the long dock warranted enough room for casting and conversation and the bugs seemed to be dormant for the few hours we were there. I did catch two small brim, which I (or really, Jessica’s fiancĂ©, Mike) released back to their watery abode.

It was almost dinner time when we decided to pack up and head for home, and the consensus for the evening meal was Chinese. (Another sigh) I chose beef and vegetables with a cup of hot and sour soup, which I guess isn’t too terrible, but I was pretty lax with the portion size. To top it off, Mike and Teddy purchased Blue Bell’s new ice cream, “Groom’s Cake,” which I devoured two heaping scoops of. Why, Meg, why?!

Everyone keeps saying, “Oh you deserve a cheat day,” or “don’t worry about it.” But, with pictures just weeks away and a bridesmaids dress to zip up in almost three months, I really can’t afford to have a few chips here or a cupcake there. Not to mention I haven’t full-on worked out in three whole days.

I know I am way too hard on myself at times, (ok, most of the time) but on the other hand, when I fill up on greasy, MSG-loaded eats all day, I feel like a masochist. I read all these great success stories of people losing weight and keeping it off, and I truly want that for myself. But I don’t want to sit around eating a salad while everyone wolfs down Chinese and ice cream…where is the balance, I wonder?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The good choice

Like most normal, hard-working professionals, I adore Fridays. And Saturdays. And let’s not forget Sundays. Basically any day is a favorite of mine that I don't have to get up at 6 a.m. and perform my usual 8-4:30 routine. It's not that I don't like my job, or that I'm not appreciative of it (especially in this economy), but like the song goes, isn’t “everybody working for the weekend?”

The weekly two-day break is also the toughest time for me to stay focused on my food and fitness plan. Maybe it is all the out-to-eat invites from friends and family, feeling more relaxed, having more quality time to spend with the husband, wanting to veg out on the couch and numb my brain with stupid TV shows for a minimum of oh, six hours -- who knows.

So last night, my friend, Jessica, and I decided to have another girl’s night in, get some food and watch “Sunshine Cleaning.” She was having some electrical troubles at her house, so she didn’t think she’d be able to make it. That left me to make the decision about what I wanted for dinner. Uh oh! The healthy girl on my right shoulder was telling me to go in the kitchen and make the veggies and turkey I already had in the fridge. The rebel on my left was pleading for Thai food or pizza. What to do?! Well, I did listen, just a little, to the left and look up the menu online for my favorite Asian eatery. But then, it was like the healthy girl gave me a swift slap in the face, banned me from the Internet and sent me in the kitchen to make turkey burgers and stir-fry cabbage, green beans, broccoli and onions. Jessica ended up getting to come by, and not being a big turkey burger fan, actually really liked mine! (I think it was the feta cheese I sprinkled in the meat.) I stayed in my Weight Watcher points and had a delicious meal to boot!

Now choosing the healthy meal may not seem like much of a feat to everyone else, but for me, it was a huge leap in the right direction. I give in too much when it comes to not-so-good-for-you food, and this time, I stuck with my goals, instead of filling up on food that would stick to my stomach! Proud can’t even describe it.

I hope today will be just as successful. I will be heading outdoors (again, I don’t know who this woman is here lately with all the wilderness activities -- see Outstanding Ocoee and Back to Civilization) to go fishing with two of my favorite ladies – Lori and Jessica – on Lori’s family’s 28-acre land. While it may not burn that many calories, all the laughing we tend to do will! More on our fishing excursion tomorrow!

Have a healthy weekend!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I'm back!!

After two weeks, a bottle of anti-inflammatory meds, dozens of ice packs and hobbling around in a brace, I -- and most importantly, my tibia -- feel great! For those of you who may not know, I found out I had a case of tendonitis and was nixed from heavy exercise for 14 whole days. So today, I was more than ready for a workout.

After a quick nap when I got home from work, (our two cats and our dog decided to play chase at 3 a.m.) I put on my new sneaks and took Tex out for his daily walk, only this time, we kicked it up a notch and got a steady speed, and even jogged the last leg home. Then I put on The Firm's DVD called "Total Body Time Crunch." It is a combination of cardio and strength training, and by the end of it, I was burning up -- hopefully because I was sweating out a ton of calories! My foot/ankle was feeling a bit sore by the end of it, so I'm icing it down as we speak. I'm sure it will take awhile for it to fully feel better, but it is worlds better compared to the pain a few weeks ago!

As for the food plan, all the protein I've been eating has really made a difference in satisfying my appetite. Veggies or fruit and boiled eggs, mostly the whites, have replaced my usual granola bar or bag of popcorn for a snack. And here's a fun fact...I just found out what the difference is between white and brown eggs...the color of the chicken! White chickens lay white eggs and brown chickens lay brown ones...who knew?

I did indulge in a few chips (my weakness) and a margarita (my other weakness) with my friend, Sara, last night, but I think all and all, I've done pretty well this week. I even have 3 Weight Watchers points left today, so I may have a few unsalted peanuts and a piece of fruit later. Yum!

Does anyone have a success or milestone they would like to share?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Feeling a little soupy

Tonight, I decided to make a pot of one of my favorite soups -- veggie! I got the recipe years ago from a Weight Watchers book and have since revised it to include whatever canned, fresh or frozen goods I have on hand. This batch had the usual stewed tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, green beans and onion, but I added a can of lima beans and a frozen bag of corn. I simmered the veggies in two boxes of fat-free, MSG-free chicken broth, sprinkled on some oregano and basil and 30 minutes later, ta da...dinner! This dish is a big staple for me when I'm trying to lose some l-bs because it not only makes a great, nutritious meal, but also a vitamin-packed snack. Since I am trying to eat less carbs, this soup will be sensational when hunger comes calling.

I really am proud of how well I did on my Weight Watchers/low-carb plan today. I had cottage cheese and berries for breakfast, a big salad with shrimp, beans and a sprinkle of feta cheese for lunch, an apple for a snack and then the veggie soup, plus a hamburger patty and a cup of baked sweet potatoes. Some of my menu items are a bit carby, but at least they are the good variety. As a said in an earlier post, sweet potatoes are jammed with nutrients, as are beans, which of course are notorious for having lots of fiber goodness. My main goal is to get back to "real" foods, and try to stray away from any meals that have a laundry list of ingredients, most of which I can't spell or say, much less know anything about. I think I accomplished that today, so gold star for me! :)

Oh, and about the apple cider vinegar I was going to try a few weeks ago...well, I choked the stuff down for two days and quit. I seriously felt sick all day, and for some reason, I felt a lot more hungry. I think I'll just stick with the food and fitness plan for awhile. :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Outstanding Ocoee

What a weekend! After Saturday, I think I have a new aquatic obsession…whitewater rafting. My friends and I had an absolute blast on the Ocoee, and surprisingly, no one fell out of the boat, although we did get a good soaking. The rapids were just mean enough to make it thrilling and scary all in the same synchronized row. And the names of them were hilarious! My personal favorite was “The Grumpies.” Ha Ha!

After our 5-mile joy ride was over, (sad face) swimming in the river was next on the outdoor agenda. The water was the perfect degree of cold, and the current was strong enough to give the legs a good workout. This was my first time to exercise the gams since my foot went in a boot almost two weeks ago, and while I did pretty good, my ankle was ready for an ice bath when I got home. Thursday, I have the go-ahead to ease myself back in to my fitness regime, and I have to say I’m a little nervous that the tibia will revert to its “grumpy” itself. I really miss the EA Active, but the Sarg may have to wait another week or so to enlist me back into boot camp. I don’t think a lot of running and jumping would do anything but put me back in a brace…for good. I have a great elliptical machine that is very lonely in our exercise room, so I may do that for a week or so and see the leg’s reaction…hopefully it will be a good one.

As for the food plan, I haven’t been the strictest of sorts the past few days. I’m disappointed in myself, actually. But like riding a bike, I’ve got to pick myself up and start peddling again. I guess successes and setbacks are all part of the process, but I’d rather not have so much of the latter. I’m making my grocery list after I finish this post to include, but not limited to, eggs, cottage cheese, veggies, fruit and lean meats. I think I eat too many carbs, so my plan is to make better, protein-packed choices and skip the prepackaged aisles.

Here’s to a fresh, healthy week!

Friday, August 21, 2009

The river is going wild...and so is my dog!

Since canoeing 23 miles doesn't seem to be enough of an outdoor adventure for me, tomorrow, I will be going whitewater rafting with my friend, Jessica, her fiance, Mike, and about seven others down the Ocoee River in Tennessee. I've only been whitewater rafting once, so I am anticipating a happy reunion with the raging water. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that soaring down an aggravated river does burn calories -- almost 100 per 15 minutes! Nice!

I've got to get up at 5 a.m. to meet our group and get on the road, and since we aren't getting back until late, I had to do something today that made me cry most of the way home...I had to board my dog, Tex.

As soon as I saw that sweet, Puggle face in November of last year, I was in puppy love. I don't know how I will even get through motherhood one day, considering how much I worry about and spoil our dog. He sleeps in our bed and drinks purified water for goodness sake! (Yes, I am one of "those" people. And yes, I realize that's a touch pathetic. Ha Ha!) JD and I thankfully have very wonderful families and friends that let him bunk at their houses when we have to go out of town, but I waited a little too late to seek a babysitter and had to search online for the perfect pooch palace. I found a great pet resort, and upgraded my pampered puppy to first-class digs. He gets his own suite with a view, a cot to snooze on and three walks and two play sessions per day. Sounds pretty good, right?

Well, Tex didn't seem to think so. He knew something was up and didn't want to get out of the car. I basically had to drag him inside, and then, hair raised, he proceeded to growl at the tech that came to show him to his room. So I walked him back to his temporary pad, gave him a quick pat, and left him staring longingly after me. Heartbreaking! I'm getting teary just thinking about it. (Again, pathetic.) I know he will be just fine, but I feel incredibly guilty. I even paid $20 extra to pick him up on Sunday, so I guess that's better than having to pace until Monday to bring him back to the comforts of home. I really do feel for my future kids...I'll probably have a breakdown when they go off to camp.

See you in a few days, Texi-Mexi!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Girls just want to have fun

My friend, Jessica, came over for a mini girls' night. And it was a blast! We talked, we had a couple of glasses of wine, we got some takeout from Surin...fabulous! She even played with my spastic dog, Tex, which is an A+ in my book. I'm sure you all have heard of Jessica, who is getting hitched to Mike in 115 days (is that right, Jess?) That just reminds me of the 24 pounds I have to go. I think I did pretty good tonight, considering I ate less than half of my chicken panang and a few pieces of super crunch sushi. Good lunch tomorrow!

I am really looking forward to Saturday, when I get to join Jess, the Mike, and some of their friends for a white-water rafting excursion. I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My willpower was killed by pizza

You know how I said in yesterday's post that I had a ridiculous day at work? Well, that was a mere cub compared to the bear I like to call Wednesday. I was driving to work, ready for a sunshine day, and a co-worker calls me 10 minutes before I'm even supposed to pull into the parking lot. She says the boss wants me to call him home...about an assignment. I should have turned my little Corolla (which is now fully mine, thank you. Last payment is in the mail!) around when I heard those warning words, especially considering the truckload of events that followed. I had an enormous elephant in the room named deadline, and no one except for me, of course, seemed to notice it. The excuse I got all day when I called to check on a story or approval was "Oh, so-in-so is at lunch." I'm so glad other people got to meet their basic needs of consuming food, while I had a cupcake for my mid-day meal. Yes, that's right, a cupcake. And the only reason I got a little something to boost my failing blood sugar was because it was leftover from an event we had today.

So I drag my tired, sugar-filled butt home, and all I can think about is pizza -- hot, gooey, veggie-filled…yum. I went back and forth about it, but my ultimate conclusion was to pick up the phone and order a medium supreme pie, no sausage. Maybe a cupcake and a pizza is disastrous combination, but in my humble opinion, every motivated girl or guy needs a cheat day every now and then. And it’s not like I was a glutton and ate the whole thing – I had a couple of pieces and put the rest to bed in the fridge. I know it wasn’t the best dinner choice, but at least I walked the pooch – that may have burned off a mushroom. Ha Ha!

To change the subject, I do have some good news…I lost a pound this week! While one is kinda the loneliest number, it’s not a gain like last week, so that’s a good thing (as Ms. Martha Stewart says). I’ve decided to take the advice of my friend and reader, Stacy, and not weigh myself every week. She lost a whopping 100 pounds without dieting (ugh…hate that word). She did a plan I’ve never heard of – No Plan. Stacy didn’t do Atkins, or South Beach, or even Weight Watchers. She just cut all her food in half, and only had a bit of coffee in the morning and water the rest of the day. She said she didn’t weigh herself, unless people told her she looked like she lost a few pounds or the jeans felt loose in the waist. While I still want to track my progress, (this is called Two Pounds a Week after all), I’ve decided to weigh myself every 2-3 weeks. My focus has always been too eagle-eyed on the scale, when there’s a lot more to food and fitness than a number. Or at least that’s what I’m trying to tell myself. :)

I’d like to pose a couple of questions to my readers: When you are stressed, what kind of food do you crave? And how do you combat those urges? Let me know!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Meg versus the food

The past two days have been absolutely ridiculous at work! When I say I have been running nonstop until 4:45 p.m., I truly mean about every second of that I am editing, writing, designing, answering the phone, returning e-mails, all while barely getting a bite of my leftover turkey and sweet potatoes. My co-worker and friend, Jessica, is spending a few well-deserved days at the beach, so I am doing her work on top of mine. Now don't get me wrong...I'd take a supercharged day over a boring one for sure, but times like these really make me want to make a mad dash to the nearest Arby's (my favorite fast-food fix.)

I have come to accept the fact that I am an emotional eater, because anytime I am stressed, mad, sad, basically any seemingly negative emotion other than indifferent (maybe that one too) all I want is a big plate of fried chicken, heaping slices of supreme pizza or a dripping beef n' cheddar with a side of jalapeno poppers. (Insert stomach growl here) Wouldn't it be nice in times of turmoil, leafy greens sounded as delish as peanut butter pie? Ha Ha!

If my mom was reading this, (and she probably is...thanks, Ma!) she'd probably gently remind me of a particularly stressful day when I was 22, freshly graduated from college and in desperate need of a job. After several months of sending out piles of resumes with no avail, I finally got an interview for an editor position at a magazine. I spent the entire week before the big day brushing up on AP style, current events, finding a suit and making sure my portfolio was perfect. I confidently breezed in, took a test, answered a few questions and was on my way with a big grin in tow. But my thoughts of an office and new business attire quickly diminished the minute I got my “Thank you, but…” letter a few days later. I remember holding the white sheet of rejection, tears exploding, telling my mom I would never find a job. I was on Weight Watchers at the time, and in my frazzled state, I could have dived jumbo spoon first into the triple-chocolate ice cream seducing me from the freezer. But my goals got the best of me, and I made the surprising selection of baby carrot sticks to snack on. My mom said later she got teary-eyed herself when she witnessed my “Eat This, Not That” moment, because I didn’t let stress turn my diet into a mess. Take that! And as a result, I shed 28 pounds!

I just hope that same willpower will push me out of the pantry tonight. :) I think I can…I think I can….

Monday, August 17, 2009

Gobble it up

I am sure everyone is tired of reading about my troubled tibia, cause Lord knows I'm sick of talking about it. Ha! So, I thought I'd focus on something else that starts with a "T"...turkey! Last week, I strayed from the beef and filled my plate with tilapia, tuna, turkey and chicken. And like those meats, I feel a lot leaner! Yeah!

So when I went on my weekly grocery run yesterday, I filled the cart with all things white and pink, including 99 percent fat-free gobbler. I'm usually weary of using ground turkey in anything other than spaghetti, due to its dry reputation, but since I was craving "comfort" food after a VERY long day at work, I thought I'd make a healthy version of a big burger and fries.

To make the burgers, I pulled out my trusty green bowl and mixed the pound of ground turkey, a few squirts of mustard, a couple of shakes of hot sauce and a Hidden Valley Fiesta Ranch packet. I am originally from Arizona, so spicy food runs in my veins! Ha Ha! I molded the patties, and into the pan they went for about 15 minutes. Halfway through, I put the top on the cooker to try to keep the moisture in. While the turkey broiled, I cut up a big sweet potato into chips, drizzled a little olive oil over the top and completed them with a generous helping of one of my favorite spices -- Tony Chachere's Creole Seasoning. It may seem a little strange to not use the traditional cinnamon and sugar on sweet spuds, but this Cajun creation really is delish! And, according to my new friend, WebMD, spicy foods have chemical compounds that boost the metabolism...HOT!

My sweet potatoes (which I baked in a 400-degree oven for 20 mins) were nothing to frown at, and a bit of ketchup was the perfect sauce for this side! Nutritionists at the Center for Science in the Public Interest ranked the sweet potato #1 in nutrition for all veggies. Brown spuds have almost twice the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A, 42 percent of the recommendation for vitamin C, and when eaten with the skin, more fiber than oatmeal. Who'd want to eat a regular potato after hearing that?!

In the end, I have to say I was very impressed with my kitchen skills tonight...those burgers were top notch, if I do say so myself. Burger King may have some stiff competition. :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I think I overdid it

The weekend is coming to a close, and I think if my doc was grading me on the R&R I should be giving my ankle, I would probably get a big D+. Friday night, the hubs and I took part in his sister's birthday celebration at an outdoor mall in our area. We went to a hip bowling alley and restaurant they just opened, and while I was thoughtful to the ankle and didn't partake in the strikes and spares, we did do A LOT of walking and prolonged standing around the shops afterwards. Saturday was all about spending quality time with the hubs, complete with antiquing, lunch, shopping and a viewing of the new Harry Potter movie. My foot was angrily pulsating inside my way-too-big brace, so we went in search of one that was the right fit. The doc gave me an X-large, but after looking at the size chart on the box, I am supposed to be wearing a small. No wonder it hurt so bad!

While the new boot fits much better, with all the extra steps I shouldn't be taking, I have acquired a new pose I like to call the "flamingo." I stand, with one hand on another person's shoulder, while bending my left knee to get my foot off the ground. Ha Ha! I should be in a zoo somewhere, drinking murky water from a pond.

I think the straw that broke the camel's tibia was tonight, when I took the dog for a short walk. I did have the brace and my new sneaks on, but the dog was huffing it so fast, the ankle was definitely crying "uncle." So now, I am back to the couch, ice pack neatly placed, watching bad reality television. It is pretty frustrating, but it could be a lot worse. A break or sprain would have set me back 6-8 weeks...yikes! I just have to think about the movie, "Julie & Julia," which I saw with my mom and sister today. Julie Powell, blogger extrodinaire, and Julia Child, a famous foodie, both had many road blocks when trying to reach their goals. But they kept on cooking, which is the food for thought I need to remember. Heck, I'd rather be going through this, then trying to debone a duck like Julie did! Ha Ha!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The blog has a new home

The blog has decided to pack its saddlebags and move! The new address is almost the same, but without the blogspot in the address:

Keep an eye out for some other changes coming soon! Can't wait!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Pictures, please!

Since my exercise plan is on “bed rest” due to a bout of tendonitis, I thought I’d share another reason why I’m working so hard (maybe too much so…oops) to drop a few pounds. On Sept. 19, the hubs and I will dress in our finest attire and travel to Chattanooga, Tenn., to have our pictures made by the very talented Mr. Dan Henry. I got a rave review about Dan from my friend, Jessica, who used to work with him at a daily newspaper and quickly hired him to shoot her nuptials in December. We had set up an appointment with him months ago, but due to a death in the family, we had to reschedule our session for September. I’m glad about it now (the extension, not the death of course) because that gave me a few more months to slim down before our big photo op. Now most people get their pictures made for a particular occasion, i.e. engagement, Christmas, pregnancy, etc. Our reason? We hated our wedding photos.

Our photographer was highly recommended to us by several of my hubby's relatives. We met with him and his wife, who helped out with the business, and all seemed right in the photography world -- at first. They did a beautiful job on our engagement photos and were very reasonable in their pricing. Then came our wedding day...

1. The photographer was an older gentleman, apparently hard of hearing and stubborn as a goat. Our bridal party (including 7 bridesmaids, 7 groomsmen and 3 flower girls) kept asking him to let us know when he was going to take the picture, and I don't know if he was temporarily deaf or displaying some divo-like behavior, but he would just snap photos without saying so much as "cheese." What resulted was a bunch of snapshots of some people frowning, eyes closed, mouths open...awful!

2. He lied about his Photoshop skills. Our album was filled with uncropped, overexposed pics, and one particularly dreadful one where I look like a penguin and the hubs looks like a stalker. He even included a photo of HIMSELF that his wife took! I shudder just thinking about it. Thank goodness for some of our friends and relatives who actually took some snaps that were way better than his! My friend and bridesmaid, Jen, got a gorgeous pic of me and my nieces. I should have hired you, Jen-Jen!

3. His wife belonged in a mental ward. Not only did she talk smack about us to my hubs' grandmother AT the wedding, this woman was barking orders all over the church and at our reception. We were about to cut our cake, and she actually ran over, yanked the knife out of my hand and made me hold it in a different way claiming it would make a better shot. Wha?! Then, she wanted me to throw the bouquet sideways, which would have looked really stupid, and was fuming when I didn't do it her way. I'm surprised she's not in every photo we have. And to top it off, she tried to make my mother pay for pictures she didn't order and hung up on her. That's some great professionalism!

So we are hoping to crop all those bad memories and get some shots that are mantle worthy. Dan was incredibly kind after hearing about our situation, and even offered to shoot some pics of me in my wedding dress if I felt like it. Too sweet! I guess if I feel like cheating on my food or fitness plan, I'll just pull out that penguin pic...that's some motivation!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Sarg isn't gonna like this

In Tuesday's post, I was complaining about the pain in my ankles and legs from the exercises I've been doing on the EA Active 30-Day Challenge. I thought it was just a bit (or really a bunch) of soreness from all the jumping and running, but I found out this evening that it was more than a quick soak and a good rub down would fix. My diagnosis is tibial tendonitis, which as the name pretty much says, inflammation of the tibial tendon.

I knew something was up when I got home today, slipped off my turquoise heels and saw that my left foot looked like it had slurped up a salt lick. I'm talking huge! I had the hubs take a look at it to make sure my eyes weren't hallucinating, and sure enough, he agreed it was abnormally hefty. So we drove to the nearest doc-in-the-box, since my regular doctor was already headed home for the day. And 30 minutes later, we left with a prescription for anti-inflammatory meds in hand and my left foot thankfully snuggled in a brace. I got strict orders to separate myself from the EA Active for at least two weeks while the tendon heals, so no workouts with Sassy Sarg for 14 whole days. I'm pretty bummed, since I was doing awesome on the challenge, but I definitely don't want to piss the tendon off more than it already is. Plus, the doc said my right leg would copy its twin if I didn't take a rest and do the three sheets of therapeutic exercises he sent home with me. Sigh...

I hope this isn't too much of a set back for my weight-loss goals. I still have my food plan to concentrate on, which will be a welcome distraction from all this throbbing pain!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Stupid scale

So I guess the headline of this post says it all. I had my weekly weigh-in this morning, and the scale sure wasn’t as nice as it was last week. I was up two pounds, so I’m back to where I started. Ideally, I’d like to just shrug it off and not care about my gain, but I have to say I’m feeling pretty down about it. I know that may be an absurd thing to get upset over, but it is incredibly frustrating for me to be battling through some serious fitness aches and pains and saying no thanks to some of my favorite treats, and still gaining weight. I want to punch my metabolism square in the face. (If it had one, that is.)

But in the interest of throwing out the lone guest at this ridiculous pity party, I have to move on and strategize my plan of attack on the scale. I’ve thought of a few things to do differently this week that will hopefully help in giving my lumps the ol’ heave-ho.

I am NOT a morning person. My poor mother and my husband (and anyone else that has forced me out of bed throughout my life) has the absolute worst time waking me up. Side effects include crankiness, exasperated sighs, hiding under the covers and slapping the arm of whomever is trying to be clever and pull back the sheets. But, despite my inability to wake with the chickens, I am going to try to rise at least 30 minutes earlier in the morning and get in a sweat session on my elliptical machine, (I can almost hear my husband laughing at the idea that I would actually get myself out of bed) then I will continue doing my nightly workouts as well. Maybe all that exercise will stun my body into submission. It’s worth a try.

I think I have my food plan backwards at times, since I try to save the majority of my Weight Watchers points for dinner. Really, I should be eating heavier meals in the morning and afternoon, and lightening up my supper plate. So, I’ve decided that carbs at dinner time are a no-no, for at least a few weeks anyway. I’m going to try to load up on lean meat and veggies at night, and eat a little earlier. I’m sure it isn’t good to chow right before going to bed – that’s probably the hours that all those carbs take a snooze and stick to my thighs. Hopefully mixing things up a bit will prove to be successful at my next weigh-in. If not, I’m going back to bed! :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

An old sole

Tonight, I had dinner with my wonderful friend, Brittany, at P.F. Chang's. The grilled salmon and asparagus was delish, and getting to catch up with her was worth the anxiety-ridden drive under the black, threatening clouds and hurried walk to the restaurant door, all while trying to keep my inside-out umbrella from flying across the desolate parking lot.

I wasn't sure if I would even be able to make our monthly meal, since the front of my legs and ankles hurt so bad I feel like poor Paul Sheldon in the movie "Misery," when psycho Annie sledgehammers his feet. Ok, so maybe not that bad, but it is pretty darn close. I've been doing a lot of running and jumping during my EA Active workouts, so I thought maybe I just overdid it while trying to appease the Sarg. But, the hubs said several people he works with, who are avid runners, said they had killer shin splints when they first started hitting the track. I looked it up and found out my terrible tibia ailment can be caused by specific athletic activities, including running in worn-out footwear. Hmm...

I've had my New Balance sneaks for over three years, and I have to say, they have definitely lost their luster. I read the rule of thumb is to replace your tennis shoes after 500 miles of wear, and I think mine are far past their tune-up. So, tonight while out with Britt, I decided to trade them in for a fresh pair of Asics Gel Kahana 3 kicks in frost, smoke pearl and cherry. Asics are well rated among runners, which I can understand why after I slipped them on my feet for tonight's workout. (Yes, I did my EA Active. I am a glutton for punishment.) The snug gel cushion seemed to relax my aching ankles a bit, and I was able to complete all 15 exercises without shedding any tears. FantAStICS! Now, the same can't be said after taking the shoes off...the pain is running the 5k to my calves. Ouch! I may have to sleep with the sneaks on tonight. :)
P.S. -- Tomorrow is weigh-in numero dos for me...saying an extra prayer tonight! :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Back to civilization

I am so happy, and relieved, to be home after two days in the wilderness. As I mentioned in Thursday’s post, the hubs and I joined some friends on a 23-mile canoe expedition, complete with an overnight campout by the river. We had to rise and shine (or really, rise and whine) at 4:30 a.m. Saturday morning, so determined (and stupid) me decided to do Saturday’s EA Active workout at exactly 12:01 a.m. I didn’t want to find out what Sassy Sarg would do to me if I missed a session, so I sleepily put my sneakers on and trudged through more lunges, bicep curls, jumping side to side, running, tennis and inline skating. I had also completed Friday’s workout earlier in the evening, so by the time I was done with my midnight sweat-a-thon, I basically melted into bed. The alarm sounded at what seemed to be two seconds later, so with much prodding from my hubby, I finally got in the shower, and we gathered our supplies and grumpy dog and headed out to meet our group.

Day 1 of canoeing actually started out pretty well. The morning sun was already baking us, but luckily, the water was cold to perfection so we could take a dip anytime it got too hot. (Including our dog – he got his first swimming lesson!) The trees provided ample shade as well in patches along the way, and a welcome breeze whisked by from time to time. I have to say the hubs did a lot of the paddling the first leg of the trip, since I was soaking in all of the nature around us. After about six hours of serenity and a moment of drama (our friends’ boat tipped, and one of their dogs was under water for a few minutes. But after a brave rescue from his mom, he’s ok), we picked out a place to park the canoes and set up our tents. This was my first time sleeping in one, and I can’t say that I would want to do it again. It was hot…the bugs were knocking down the nylon…and every time a grasshopper would chirp, our dog would start barking his head off. Not fun!

So after a sleepless night, we got up at dawn to begin Day 2 of canoeing. The hubs and I had a rough go of it, since our boat seemed to have a magnet on it for tree stumps. We slammed into at least three of them along the way, almost capsizing our vessel and spilling all our belongings into the murky water. But, we kept going, in tact, for another five hours before our entire group was done with the bugs, heat and fervent rowing. We stopped at a bridge and called the canoe rental company to come pick us up, but they wanted to charge us an extra $60 to do that, so we decided to suck it up and finish the hour we had left. Seeing the flat rock bed piled with canoes and a guy from the company waiting to pull our boats in was better than the smores we polished off the night before. (And that was some good eatin’! Ha Ha!)

Even though I am sunburned, bruised and shaken from almost falling in the river countless times, I am really proud of myself and the rest of our crew for making it to the 23-mile finish line. Hoorah! I hopefully lost a boat load of calories, although I was Weight Watcher free on this adventure. We tried to find some healthy fare – including apples and 100-cal canned fruit and granola bars – but I did indulge in some campout favorites, like hot dogs and M&M-filled trail mix. (Not to mention the celebratory meal at Outback that evening. Mmmm)

But, I’m back on the food plan starting today, and am actually looking forward to tonight’s workout with Sassy Sarg. Just as long as it has nothing to do with a canoe and paddle, I’m up for it!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Today is my “rest” day from the EA Active, (thanks Sassy!) but instead of enjoying a warm bath and a cup of hot tea to ease my achy muscles, I will be heading out with the hubs for the evening to search for camping gear. This weekend, we, along with our crazy pup, Tex, will be joining our friends, Brett and Amy, and about 15 friends of friends on a two-day, 23-mile canoe excursion into the great unknown. And what’s unknown is what scares me! I wish Bear Grylls was going to be a member of our pack, since I really don’t know anything about surviving in the wilderness. The one time I would have had the full experience of being woodsy, since my family chose cabins over cloth huts (thank you for that), was in fourth grade when I joined a Girl Scout troop. The night before our big camp out, I got my plastic utensils, Ziploc-encased clothes and extra-large can of mosquito repellant all packed in my knapsack, and of course, I woke up in the middle of the night with a fever and sore throat. Bummer! Lucky for me though, I didn’t get stuck in the rain like the rest of the scouts, eating burned spaghetti. Ha Ha!

Now don’t get me wrong, I love spending time outside. When I was younger, I rode my bike all over the place and played hide-and-seek with the neighborhood kids until our moms called us in (for the third and fourth times) for dinner. In middle and high school, the big thing to do was ride four wheelers through the muddiest parts of the river, to which, I ruined my friend, Sara’s, mom’s leather jacket. (Sorry about that, Tammy.) But, as I’ve gotten older, I have to admit I’ve become more of a lady of leisure on the weekends. I love pedicures, lunching with my family, antiquing and getting together with friends for a little din and drinks. So to trade all that for a pair of water shoes and a two-person tent is slightly daunting for me. But, in the spirit of being a supportive wife and trying new things, I’m going to hang up my heels, put fresh batteries in the ‘ol flashlight and jump on the boat. Not to mention burn some serious fat cells! Thirty little minutes paddling down the river burns around 120 cals, so 23 hours comes to a grand total of 5,520…oh yeah! Maybe all that rowing will keep my mind off bears, snakes, no bathrooms or showers, and mad men with chainsaws stalking us through the woods…wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

You've got this...

...Or at least that's what my EA Active trainer, whom I've dubbed Sassy Sarg, told me today. And you know what, I believe her! As I said in yesterday's post, Wednesdays are my weigh-in day. In the ultimate fighting championship between the scale monster and me...I kicked its badonk-adonk! That's right, folks, I met my goal of losing two pounds this week, and it feels more than amazing. It's "weigh" amazing! Ha Ha! Here's to round 2, scale...I'll meet you in the ring next Wednesday.

So a new week begins today, and I don't know if my body is just pooped or what, because it definitely wasn't pumped for another workout. I had two sessions of long laps and "kick ups" (basically kicking your own butt with your heels while running), and no lie, I was breathing so hard, the very-laid-back hubs was like, "oh my gosh, are you ok? Lift your arms over your head! Sip water!" If that wasn't enough hilarity for Sassy Sarg, she continued the brutality with lunges, bicep curls, basketball, inline skating and boxing. Workin' it!

Now on to the big reveal. I gave a few clues in yesterday's post about something I'm going to add this week to my food and fitness plan. It's called ACV -- apple...cider...vinegar. I first heard about this supposed slim-down secret from my sister, Sarah, who loves all things natural. She buys organic fruits and veggies, travels to Tennessee for raw milk and researches the vast array of vitamins, enzymes and other good-for-the-bod products that stock the shelves of health food stores. So, I thought I'd take her advice with a teaspoon of ACV and give it a swirl. I did a little research of my own, and while some studies say there is no conclusive evidence that the sweet-sounding tonic can lessen your lovehandles, others say it does have medicinal qualities that can support weight loss, like stabilizing blood sugar levels. (Both sides of the debate are discussed in this article on

So I went and bought a bottle of the stuff this evening, and abiding by my Internet teacher, looked for the words organic, raw, unfiltered and mother (scratching my head on this one) on the label. I guess I'll be the lab mouse and down a spoonful or two with water before meals for a week or so starting tomorrow. Who knows...maybe it will be everything it claims. Let's just hope I don't start growing limbs and have someone come read a book under me. (Wink)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Just call me Mike Tyson

I just finished day 7 of my 30-day challenge on the EA Active for Wii. That's more than 600 cals gone and about 90 exercises painstakingly completed, including 25 laps around the virtual track. Supa-girl! Today's workout was full of one of my favorites, boxing. I got so into it I thought I was going pull a Mike Tyson and bite my hubby's ear off! Ha Ha! Watch out, honey!

I've also been doing excellent on my food plan. But there's really not much to feel deprived about...cereal with skim milk, fresh berries, turkey wraps loaded with veggies and cilantro, taco salad....mmm hmm! That's what I like so much about Weight Watchers. It doesn't really limit the types of foods you eat, but rather, the quanity of it. I've tried other plans that cut out the carbs, or said no to fruit, etc. and whatever I couldn't have, that's what I craved (and cried over. HA!)

With all my healthy efforts, I hope that the white-and-silver monster that lurks in my bathroom (is that called a scale?) will show me some unconditional love tomorrow when I (gulp) step on it one timid foot at a time for my weekly weigh-in. I just hope like a video tape, the scale monster will please be kind and rewind!

And in the interest of keeping things fun and light, (literally) I've decided to try a little something new this week, along with my food and fitness plan. It's slightly sounds sweet, but yet it's bitter...and can be found at any local grocery store. Any guesses? :) Stay tuned!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Late-night Snack

In 2008, only one state (Colorado) had a prevalence of obesity less than 20 percent. -- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Recovering Caffaholic

About a month and a half ago, I heard the phrase no coffee, soda or tea addict wants to hear… “You have to give up caffeine.” What blasphemy! The love of all things caffeine was probably running through my veins before I was born, since my dad can’t quite make it through the day without at least a mug or two of piping hot, Columbian roast.

My gateway liquid drug of choice was almost certainly Diet Dr. Pepper. My first job out of college was at a small newspaper, and I didn’t have anything close to the typical 8-5 work day. Monday through Thursday, plus Friday or Sunday, depending on our schedule, I woke at noon, got to work at 4 p.m., copy edited and page designed until 1 a.m. (or later…thanks to presidential elections and printing problems), then went home and watched whatever programs happened to be on the few channels I had. Then I crashed around the time most professionals are putting their heels on or straightening their ties, and whisking their kids off to school. My vampire-esque routine had my sleeping patterns feeling like they were on a runaway train, so Diet Dr. Pepper soon became a frequent mixture in my life. And by frequent, I mean a 20-ounce before I even got to my job, one when I sat down at my desk, another with dinner, another after dinner, and on and on until the boss gave us the go-ahead to travel home. I might as well have had an IV of the stuff injected in my throat, or a barrel by my desk with a sufficiently long straw. I eased off it a bit when I changed jobs, (or really, was forced to change jobs. Our little paper shut down, and our team had exactly one-day notice. Nice) but I still had to have at least two sodas a day, a hazelnut latte or something equivalent to give me that perk-me-up I had come to expect for years. And by this time, so many new, sinfully delicious drinks had come out on the market…Diet Coke with Splenda, cherry Coke Zero, vanilla-cherry Diet Dr. Pepper…an addict’s greatest dream and worst nightmare all in the same sip.

But, as the saying goes, every good thing must come to an end, and that day for me was July 6. I wasn’t feeling very well a few weeks prior, and I kept getting these weird flutters, and later, thuds in my chest. I went to my doctor, who listened to my heart, and trying to suppress her concern said, “Um, your heart is skipping beats.” With that simple statement came weeks of X-rays, EKGs, having to wear a heart monitor, waiting for results, ultrasounds, more waiting for results, misdiagnosis, lack of sleep (I was terrified my heart would stop beating as soon as I shut my eyes), medication, and finally, a visit with a specialist that after the whole ordeal, basically told me I was going to be fine. I was having heavy heart palpitations, which she said could be a combination of factors, including my beloved boyfriend, caffeine. So, sadly, I had to break up with him.

It has been almost a month since our separation, and I’m actually feeling a lot better. My chest doesn’t feel like it has six boxes of Pop Rocks in it, and I’ve found a few alternatives when water just doesn’t cut it. Giving up soda all together will be my next big feat, as I’ve read that even diet drinks can cause weight gain. But alas, I think I’m getting a serious crush on Diet Sierra Mist with Ruby Splash. (Wink) At least it’s decaf!

The Daily Nibble

Gulping down the equivalent of just two mixed drinks (or two glasses of wine or two bottles of beer) puts the brakes on fat burning by 73 percent. -- MSN, "Speed Up Your Metabolism"

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Late-Night Snack

Regular physical activity enhances academic performance. -- from My Fit Tribe, "Quick Fitness Facts"

My friend, the bride

So I said in my initial post that I would get into some of the reasons why I want to lose weight. One of those said reasons is named Jessica. :) My wonderful, hilarious, very fit friend is tying the knot in December to a great guy that shares her interest in asking random questions. (i.e. What is your favorite kind of bean? Do you like Geico? Have you ever had deer wrapped in bacon?) Ha Ha! Seriously though, they are a perfect match, and I am so happy to have the distinct honor of being part of their wedding day, as she was for me when I got married last year. And while I know the bride is going to be a KNOCKOUT, I still want to look dang good in my cherry red gown.

This isn't the first time I've tried to lose a few l-b-s in the name of wedded bliss. When another friend of mine asked me to be her bridesmaid a few years ago, I had my mom take my measurements so I could order my dress. And let me tell you, the numbers really had me close to tears. But, that was when I got on Weight Watchers and joined a gym. I was more than excited when the dress came in, and it was so big, I basically had to get half of it cut off. And before my own wedding last year, I did Weight Watchers, aerobics classes, ran stairs and did laps at work with the supportive Jessica, and had to get my absolutely amazing princess dress taken in. However....

When my sister, Sarah, got married, I had gained some weight, and when I put my baby blue gown on, it wouldn't zip. Panicked, I didn't eat carbs for a week, and thankfully, that seemed to do the trick. (Maybe Mr. Atkins didn't have it entirely wrong.) But the top was so tight, I was afraid I would pass out during their "I dos." At my friend Jen's nuptials last year, I felt like that commercial where the slightly-overweight girl is walking through the room, and she feels like everyone is staring at her. (Not to mention I should have tanned my pale legs before the big day...ghost legs in a black dress...not so cute.)

So I hope for Jessica's wedding, I can get it right again and look hot instead of not. Ha Ha! And the bride is definitely a motivator....she works on her fitness like 6 days a week. Not to mention I burn a lot of calories laughing at all the funny things she says. One study says just 10-15 minutes of hardy-har-hars can burn up to 50 cals! So keep me laughing, girl! Thank you for being my friend, and allowing me, whether fit or flabby, to be in your wedding!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Late-night Snack

A new study says boiling carrots before slicing them increase anti-cancer properties up to 25 percent. --

Working for the weekend

Oh, how do I love Saturdays! As we speak, I am relaxing on the couch, covered in my favorite maroon blanket, with my sweet baby dog, Tex, sleeping soundly at my feet. Laying around is going to short lived, however, since the Wii is willing me with its pushy red light to get off my butt, throw the hair in a ponytail and get my sneaks on for today's workout. Not to mention, this house needs a serious overhaul. I don't particularly like cleaning, but I'm one of those people that if I get started, I can't stop! Like, I can't just wash the dishes if I get in one of my "cleaning moods." I've got to wipe down the counters and table with a little 409, sweep the floor, mop, throw away old food in the fridge and clean the shelves, etc. etc. etc. Not only does a spick-and-span home feel amazing, a little sprucing up can help you burn major calories. Mopping alone for 30 mins can whittle away 112 cals! Thanks, Mr. Clean!

Weekends are also the toughest for me to stick with a food plan. There are so many great restaurants in our area, and even if you try to eat healthy, sometimes you never know what kind of "extras" you are getting in your food. Case in point, I went to lunch one day with some friends to an Italian place. While everyone else got plates filled with cheesy, mouth-watering fettuccine and lasagna, I ordered a salad with scallops and prosciutto. Sounds pretty lean, right? WRONG. I went on the restaurant's Web site to see what the nutritional info was so I could figure out how many Weight Watchers points to record, and I was shocked to find out it had 1,320 calories and a whopping 91 grams of fat!! Ick! (Check out America's worst, and best, salads here.) So now if I know I'm going out somewhere, I try to find the menu online and choose wisely on what I'm going to have for my meal. I didn't get to do that last night, since the hubs and I grabbed some food on a whim while out birthday shopping for my niece. We chose Mexican, but I didn't eat any of the chips (one of my absolute favorite guilty pleasures), and I had two tacos without sour cream or guacamole. No rice or beans either, but it was still really good and filling. So I guess even if you can't plan ahead, you can still make good choices.

Tonight is going be particularly tough because my sister is cooking a big Thai dinner for my niece's birthday. I come from a family of fabulous cooks (I think I missed that gene. Ha!). My mom can just throw odds and ends from the fridge in a pot, and it tastes like something out of a gourmet cookbook. My dad can whip up the yummiest scrambled eggs and good ol' southern fried chicken (please make it again, Pa! Burning it ONE TIME does not entitle you to never making it again. Ha Ha!) My sisters both take after their exceptional meal making, with some of my favorites being stuffed pork chops, spinach-artichoke dip, fish tacos, curry potato salad, salmon with butter sauce...I could go on and on. My strategy to make sure I don't stuff myself this evening is to practice portion control (measuring cups are a big help with that) and have a small piece of cake -- a few sweet bites is usually enough for me. I guess you can have your cake and eat it long as it’s not the size of your face.

I'd also like to wish my friend, Laura Rose, a happy birthday! Have a great one! Oh, ok, Wii…I’m coming!!