Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I still get butterflies

Tonight, I get to see this handsome man:

JD has been in Texas for almost a week visiting friends and rocking out at a Metallica concert (so NOT like him, but I'm proud of his willingness to try new things. Smile), and I am uber excited that he is on his way home. Not to mention, I have many leftovers sitting in the fridge from cooking up a storm this week that need to be eaten ASAP. Ha Ha! He was a little disappointed I made the bacon and scallop pasta without him, but luckily, there's still a huge helping with his name written all over it. Pasta seems to be better a couple days later anyway; don't you agree?

I changed purses this morning and forgot to pack my camera, so no pictures of today's eats. They would be basically the same as yesterday though. I'm a bit of a creature of habit, and I don't like to waste food, so I had another helping of yogurt, fruit and Kashi for breakfast. I did, however, sneak in another ingredient: homemade strawberry jam. My sister, Tiffany, made a big batch the last time she came for a visit, and being the sweetheart she is, didn't mind sharing the goods. I have several little tubs of the terrific topper in my freezer, so I thawed one and swirled a heaping tablespoon into my yogurt. What a difference! I loved the added sweetness – it was kind of like eating pie for breakfast, but without the guilt. Ha Ha! Lunch was another taco salad, but I used less meat and more beans this time. Fiber, good!

Exercise tonight also will be pretty much the same. Day 8 of Jillian Michaels shred challenge and a spastic dog await me. I will add a little variety to my workout routine later this week when I try an aerobics class! I'll talk more on that in another post.

I can't believe tomorrow is the first of October! This year has gone by in a wink. But I have so many events coming up that will be a great finish to 2009 – tailgating, Jessica's barrage of wedding festivities and big day in December, pictures with the husband, trip to Tucson for my cousin's wedding, my 29th birthday (ok, so maybe I'm not too excited about that…last year in my 20s!), and holidays, holidays! Knowing that I have to fit in a bridesmaid dress in a few short months is definitely motivation to keep, in the words of Fergie, "workin on my fitness."

What event/occasion coming up serves as your motivation to stick to a food and exercise plan? Let me know!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

You're losing weight...

...that's what my coworker and friend, Monique, said to me when I sleepily walked in the office this morning. Those three little words were exactly what I needed to hear after a discouraging day yesterday. I want to thank everyone, including Tina and Brittany, for their kind words and suggestions. It is truly appreciated! And I was so excited today when I put on a pair of fall-appropriate corduroys that were borderline too tight last year, and they were surprisingly loose. So I guess another thanks is in order to Jillian Michaels for kicking my butt everyday with the shred challenge. Only three more days to go until Level 2! (Insert blood-curdling scream here) I also have to give a few kudos to Jessica for walking with me around our buildings at lunch, and to my dog for begging me to take him out when I got home. We went another 2 miles today, so I already have 4 for the week (plus however far Jess and I trekked)! Is this starting to sound like an Oscar speech or what?! Ha!

Here's a few pics of today's meals. I didn't go over my allotted Weight Watchers points, and I'm feeling satisfied instead of stuffed. I drank a barrel of water too!

Breakfast was 1/2 cup organic plain yogurt, 1 cup frozen organic berries and 1/2 cup Kashi GoLean Crunch. I think I may thaw the fruit a bit before adding it to the yogurt next time, but it was still really good and filling! Beverages were water and lime La Croix. And yes, that is a yo-yo in the background...a little fun is in order sometimes when you live in a cube! :)

Lunch was leftover WW bacon and scallop pasta. I added some broccoli and cauliflower for a little more color and vitamins.

Snacks included a juicy apple mid-morning from this bunch. I got a big bag of these for $4! I also noshed on this when I got home:

Yummy plum!

Since I had a starchy lunch, I went for a lower-carb dinner option: taco salad. Iceberg, tomatoes, 1/4 cup black beans, a few pieces of avocado, one slice of Colby-Jack cheese, sprinkle of olives, two dollops of Daisy sour cream, and of course the best part, organic, grass-fed ground beef. I don't know if I can ever buy meat from a grocery store after tasting hormone-free beef. I definitely recommend it if you don't mind paying a few extra dollars -- every bite is worth it!

Tonight is the premiere of The Hills! I didn't really watch it last season, but with the new girl in town (Kristen Cavallari), I'm anxious to see what kind of drama unfolds. I know, it's bad reality TV, but as Miranda says in Sex and the City, "It's my thing, let it go!" Ha Ha! Have a great night!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Meg Makes It on Monday: Bacon and scallop pasta

I love some good Italian food every now and then, and luckily, Weight Watchers doesn't mind it either. :) I still had all the ingredients I bought last week for bacon and scallop pasta from WW's cookbook, "Take 5: 150 Five-Ingredient Recipes." So to shave a few bucks off our grocery bill, I thought I'd go ahead and make it for my Monday menu.

This dish was light, flavorful and had just the right amount of onion and bacon. But really, what doesn't taste good with bacon? Ha! I wanted to get some more veggies in for the day, so I altered the recipe a bit and added asparagus and zucchini. I would have preferred fresh scallops over frozen, since mine were on the small side and took a long time to thaw, but all in all I'd give the pasta a 9 out of 10. And, it was only 4 points per cup! I wish I could share the recipe, (dang those copyright laws) but next week, I promise to make something that allows me to post the ingredients and instructions. Here's a few snaps from tonight's dinner:

Chopping an O...can you see one of the other main ingredients in the background? :)

Multitasking at its finest. Ha! Browning the scallops and boiling water to cook the penne

I heart asparagus!

Cooking the veggies -- onion as the recipe called for, with asparagus and zucchini that Meg called for. :)

Ta Da! Finished, with a couple of sprinkles of Parmesan on top. As our kitchen chef (I accidentally cut him off in the photo) says, "Bon Appetit!"

As far as exercise goes, I did really good today. I walked 2 miles with Tex, and I finished Day 6 of Jillian Michaels 30-day shred challenge. I fought with myself on whether or not I was going to do the workout, but ultimately, the determined me won. :)

I am feeling a little discouraged, because I weighed myself this morning, and I'm the exact same as I was when I first started this whole process at the end of July. I thought I'd be at least 10 pounds lighter at this point, and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I considered just taking a break tonight and not completing the workout, but giving up isn't going to get me anywhere. And I know despite the stagnant weight loss, I am doing good things for my body. I just wish the scale would recognize all my efforts.

Is anyone else having or had a difficult time "jumpstarting" their weight loss? What did you do to get it going?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lovely Day

What a nice surprise this morning to wake up to sunshine!! It's been at least a week of heavy showers here, so when I peeked out the blinds and saw blue skies, it made the day all the better. The pup must have sensed the rain had ceased because he was looking longingly out the window, and was literally jumping up and down when I said the word, "walk." Ha Ha!

The temperature was absolutely perfect for some outdoor exercise, so Tex and I went about 2.5 miles. I also completed Day 5 of Jillian Michaels 30-day shred challenge. I'm still huffing and puffing my way through it, but I do feel like I'm keeping up a little better with each workout. My goal is to move up to Level 2 by Day 10, then Level 3 on Day 20. I can't wait to see how my figure is going to change throughout this process. My friends told me when we went out Friday for Lori's birthday that I definitely look smaller. My heart melts a little any time I hear that. :) (Thanks, Lori and Jess!)

Jessica, Lori and I at Lori's birthday dinner

Another thing that melts my heart -- good deals. I mentioned in Friday's post that Lori and I were going to an auction on Saturday. We met there around 4 p.m., and I'm so glad the rain didn't deter us from going! Being a bit of a competitor, this was the perfect activity for me. There were so many great antiques, china, pictures, old iron toys, and plenty of people there eager for a good bargain. The husband and I have been on the search for a china cabinet for our dining room, and low and behold, there was a beautiful one there that was almost the exact color of our table! It took awhile for the piece to go up for bid, but when it did, I was ready. It took some convincing from Lori for me to make my final offer, but when I did, the other bids ceased, and the auctioneer yelled, SOLD! YES!! I can't wait to fill it with special glassware, plates and other things when it arrives later this week. I got an amazing deal too, because all the similar ones I found online were 4-5 times more than what I paid for it. I will have to share some pics when we pick it up.

Have you gotten a great deal on something recently? Hope everyone has a good week!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Oh, the soreness!

Last night, I had a blast playing volleyball! I thought I was just going for a practice, but it turned out we were actually playing matches with not just one, but two teams. (Thanks for telling me, hubs!) I think I did pretty well considering my 10-year hiatus from the game. I made most of my serves, and I even spiked a ball that didn't get returned! Score! We played for a good 2 hours or so, so by the time we got home, I was sweaty and exhausted. But, true to my word, I still trudged through Day 2 of Jillian Michaels 30-day shred challenge. The second time around seemed more tiring and tough than the first, but I'm sure the lingering soreness from Day 1 and playing in a muggy gym for several hours had something (or everything) to do with it.

Today, I have a serious exercise hangover. I am hobbling around like a 90-year-old grandma. It feels like every muscle I have is aching, and my arms are splattered with bruises from slamming a ball around. But while I may not be faring the best physically, emotionally, I'm super. I'm really sticking to the workouts, and I'm feeling leaner and healthier. I think others can see a difference as well. Last night, our friend, Amy, who also plays on our team, said, "Wow, you look like you've lost 10 pounds!" I wanted to give her a big bear hug! It's nice when you are working so hard to hear things like that – truly motivating! I may weigh myself on Monday to see how I'm faring, but I don't want to get discouraged if I've only lost a pound or two. I may need to take some measurements, because inches count too!

I'm going to complete Day 3 of the challenge tonight before heading out for my friend, Lori's, birthday bash. Since I have already been to the restaurant we are dining at, I have a menu item in mind that won't break the calorie bank: ahi tuna. I still haven't had ahi that tasted as heavenly as the fish I sampled at the Black Dog Tavern on our honeymoon in Martha's Vineyard, (for anyone visiting the island, seriously, get the ahi tuna. It is a food fantasy come true!) but the tuna at this eatery is pretty darn close.

Moi at the Black Dog Tavern in Martha's Vineyard, Mass. I'm probably thinking, "that's the best tuna I've ever had!"

Tomorrow, I will be doing something besides shredding: antiquing! Lori and I are heading to an auction, where I will hopefully find the perfect curio cabinets for our dining room. I have some very pretty things that deserve a nice home over boxes. :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Just as long as I don't sit the bench

My baby dog, Tex
My husband joined a volleyball team that a few of our friends are on, and for weeks, he has been trying to get me to play. I wasn't particularly against the idea, but our sweet dog (a.k.a. my child) stays home by himself all day while we are at work, so we try not to make too many plans in the evenings during the week. But, the strong-willed husband found a way for both of us to enjoy a little v-ball, while keeping the pooch happy and exercised. The way, you ask? Doggy daycare.

I know it sounds incredibly crazy, but for the low price of $7, Tex gets to sniff and wrestle around with all sorts of new friends. And with an abundance of play time, we don't feel enormous pangs of guilt leaving him alone for a few hours one night a week. I have zero excuses now not to play, so tonight, I will be partaking in my first practice.

I'm a little nervous about getting back in the game, since I haven't spiked or served a ball since my high school days of playing the sport. (And even then, I wasn't that good. Ha!) But, I was eager to get on the court when I went to watch my friend, Lori's, game, so hopefully I can dust off some of my old skills and be good enough to not ride the bench the entire night.

Since we will be leaving soon after I get home from work, Jillian Michaels will have to wait until volleyball is over. I have never felt so sore as I do today after a 20-minute workout! But, I am headstrong on finishing the 30-day challenge in just that: 30 days. No pain, no gain, right?

On another note, I've been doing pretty well on my food plan this week. I was STARVING yesterday, so I think I may have eaten a tad too many calories, but hopefully all the exercise made up for it. Lori is celebrating her birthday this week (yes, she has made it a week-long celebration), and we took her to a Mexican restaurant for lunch today. I made good choices, which I'm proud of, considering Mexican food is my one of my favs! I had exactly 8 chips (yes, I'm neurotic and counted. But I didn't want to go over 2 Weight Watchers points for them.) plus a beef soft taco and a cup of the best black bean soup I've ever tasted. The whole meal was around 11 points, which isn't too shabby for Mexican food. I still have plenty left for din!

Guess I'm off to practice before the practice. :) Does anyone have a favorite sport or activity they participate in every week?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Shredded let-us-be-done!

Dear Family and Friends,

If you do not hear from me, it is because Jillian Michaels killed me with crunches.

Love to you all,

Ok, so maybe I'm being a touch dramatic, but Day 1, Level 1 of Ms. Michaels 30-Day Shred was -- needless to say -- tough! I received my much-anticipated DVD in the mail today, and quickly put on workout clothes to see if it was every bit as hard as everyone says it is. After about two push ups, I knew I couldn't call anyone a liar. Ha! For 20 long minutes, I lifted weights, did an endless amount of jumping jacks and squats and groaned my way through crunches. Jillian goes quickly from one "circuit" -- 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of abs -- to the next for a grand total of three 6-minute circuits. So, there's really no time to catch a breath or gulp down water.

But, just when I thought I was going to pass out, it was time for the cool down. My whole body was shaking, and my legs had that awesome tired feeling when you know you've done a good workout. I love a challenge, and this workout definitely tested my limits. Plus, unlike some exercise DVDs that require a lot of equipment, this one only asked for weights and a mat if you have a hard floor. (Luckily, we have carpet.) I can only imagine what Levels 2-3 are like. I'm looking forward to getting to the 30-day finish line!

I felt good enough to go with the husband on the pup's daily exercise routine, so we walked and talked for 2 miles around our neighborhood. All in all, I think it was a successful workout day for me, but I have a feeling the legs are going to feel a bit like lead tomorrow. Ha Ha!

I'm off to fix dinner now. Have a great night!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Think Pink

Me, my aunt, Teri, and two of my cousins at a family wedding. This picture was taken just a few months before my aunt found out she had breast cancer.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and to be honest, in the past I've never really recognized it. I know people who know people that have sisters, mothers, cousins and other loved ones in their lives that have been affected by the disease, but I thankfully didn't have anyone close to me that was diagnosed with it. But that all changed about a month or so ago, when I got a call from my mom that my aunt, Teri, went for a routine physical, and her doctors discovered a lump in her breast. Tests confirmed it was cancer, and if that wasn't hard enough news for her and our family to digest, they found a second lump in her other breast, and later discovered the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes and two tiny spots on her liver. She has already had surgery to remove the lump, but will have to undergo a double mastectomy in the coming weeks. Today, she started aggressive chemotherapy and had a PET Scan to see if cancer is anywhere else in her body.

I honestly can't imagine what she's going through. I've had a few scares myself with breast lumps, but they've always turned out to just be fibroids. I don't know what I would do or how I would feel if they told me it was cancer. But I would hope that I would be just as brave and as positive as she has been since finding out the news. She has an amazing will to fight, and is doing whatever it takes to get better. She's already bought several stylish wigs, and is even having a hat party, where all her guests are going to bring her hats to wear when she loses her hair. And at the party, her friends are going to shave her head so she doesn't have to go through the pain of seeing her hair fall out. Just the courageousness of that brings tears of pride to my eyes for her.

It is shocking to see such a healthy, vivacious woman get handed such a serious diagnosis. Teri is slim, eats right and walks like 5 miles a day. It has shown me that a big part of keeping myself truly healthy isn't found just in a fruit bowl or on a treadmill. Cancer and other diseases can happen to anyone, fit or not, and through her experience, I have gained a better understanding of just how important routine physicals and self-checks are.

So even though October is a few weeks away, I wanted to recognize Teri today for being so brave in her battle with cancer. In her honor, I will be participating in the pink ribbon walk my work is sponsoring soon. It may be a simple gesture, but I want her to know I'm thinking of her every step of the way. I love you, Teri!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Meg Makes It on Monday: Fusion-Style Tuna Cakes

Over the weekend, I dug into my collection of cookbooks (that are practically screaming to be used) to find some healthy, new recipes for the husband and I to try. We both wanted a little something different for this week's dinners, so since I and some of my fellow bloggers are on the Weight Watchers plan, I thought I'd pull a few meal ideas from one of their cookbooks -- "Take 5: 150 Five-Ingredient Recipes." (Available for as little as $4 at

I love Asian food, so I thought the fusion-style tuna cakes would be a great dish to be the culinary guinea pig, so to speak. And true to their promise, it only took five ingredients to make -- some which I already had stashed in the kitchen. The best part? These tasty cakes are only 4 points per serving! Ours were actually 3 points per cake since we had a few ounces less of fish to work with. Can't beat that. :) I will say that I think salmon would be a better "catch" for this dish, since tuna tends to get a little dry. But they were still good and filling. I had the recipe on here originally, but I wasn't sure if that would fall under copyright laws. I guess I need to research that for future use!

Here's a few pics I took while making the cakes (and a sneak at some of the ingredients)

We put the sauce for the dish in these little Japanese bowls I've been eagerly waiting to use!

They were my grandmother's, who passed away when I was 16, so they are really special to me.

And they look great with our plates! Here's the finished product, complete with a side of sesame-sprinkled broccoli and an ear of fresh corn (still boiling when I took this photo.)

Later this week, I will be making two more recipes from my now-favorite Weight Watchers cookbook: Caribbean-style roast turkey breast and pasta with scallops and bacon. Yum!! Does anyone have any favorite Weight Watchers recipes? Do you have plates, bowls or other serving items that are special to you?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Here comes the rain again

It's been a soggy few days here in the South, and from what the weatherman warns, it's not going to dry up anytime soon. So no husband-wife photo shoot tomorrow as planned. I'm a little bummed we had to cancel, but I'm a hint of glad as well. Because last night, I ordered this from Amazon:

I have seen this workout on so many of my fav blogs the past few days (bloganistas Jeannie and Lorrie have already begun the popular grueling workout. Good luck, ladies!), that I thought it must be a sign for me to give it a try. Plus, I have to say the "Lose Up to 20 Pounds in 30 Days" in big, bold letters across the top was probably the clincher for me to click "Add to Shopping Cart" and "Proceed to Checkout." Ha! My promising DVD has been shipped, and should be here in time for me to get started early next week. I would love to lose at least a few more pounds before pictures, so maybe Ms. Michaels can help me get there. Fingers crossed!

Is anyone else out there doing the shred challenge? Have you seen good results from it?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A kick in the dress

I went shopping yesterday afternoon for a dress to wear for the husband and I's pictures this weekend. I found a little brown-and-plaid number (above) online that I thought was cute and fall appropriate, so I went to the mall to see if the actual department store had one in my size. And what luck, they did! I grabbed a few other dresses to try on and trudged to the dressing room. By the way, I HATE dressing rooms. But seriously, what woman doesn't? The starkness… the horrible fluorescent lighting…it makes me want to run away and just cover up with a potato sack. (Do any of those come in red? Ha Ha!)

But, since I didn't have the time or the funds to purchase six dresses to scrutinize in front of my own mirror, I sucked it up and locked myself into one of the white rooms of unflattery. I didn't see the zipper camouflaging itself under the arm of the dress, so when I put it on over my head, and went to pull it down, it was stuck. The waist of the skirt decided not to budge right smack in the middle of the, eh hem, "girls." I pulled. I pleaded. I pulled some more. The fabric was strangling my bosoms, to the point where my face and neck were creepily turning red. I yanked at that zipper for a good 15 minutes before I gave in to defeat. I was sweating for goodness sake! I pulled my Capri pants on and, horrified but helpless, asked the bewildered sales girl to help me get the darn zipper down so I could get this hemmed beast off me. Unfortunately, she couldn't get the zipper to move either, so she went for help. Oh the embarrassment! While she was gone, I continued to pull at the dress, and it finally relented. Only, in the process, the whole side of the dress by the zipper ripped. The ladies came back just in time to see the gaping hole and my brazier waving hello to them below it. I apologized profusely, offered to pay for the dress and when they said "don't worry about it," I bolted out of there like a dog around fireworks.

I went home and told JD the entire ordeal. I know it can happen to the smallest of girls, but it made me feel like a Buick trying to park in a mouse hole. I mean, all the other dresses in the same size fit fine, so what was the deal with this one?

But, alas, something positive came out of my mortifying experience. Last night, with the thoughts of shredded thread still lurking in my brain, I jumped on the elliptical machine and did the full, 30-minute weight-loss program. Usually I do 15-20 on the flat path and get bored, but the whole mall incident inspired me to push myself to the last grueling second. (Those inclines are tough!) And despite being tired and sweaty, I also did 75 crunches and 50 pushups. I was proud, and it helped me forget about the day's events (almost).

So maybe a swift kick in the dress was what I needed to take my fitness plan to the next level. I just hope the dress I did purchase (from another store of course) behaves itself on picture day!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Meg Makes It on Tuesday: Gluten-free chili

It may not be cool outside just yet, but I think a big pot of chili is the perfect way to welcome fall. I had two goals for this tomato-laden stew – to make it as healthy as possible and gluten-free. I got the gluten-free recipe idea from my mom, who was diagnosed a few years ago with Celiac disease.

Basically, she can’t eat, drink or breathe in anything with gluten, a protein found in, well, just about everything. A lot of people have the misconception that it is just in your usual suspects, i.e. breads and pasta, but she has to read labels for all types of stuff -- from toothpaste to spices. I have been tested for Celiac myself since it is hereditary, but for now, the blood tests and biopsy say I’m all clear. Since I haven’t had a genetic test, I don’t know if I will end up with the disease later in life, but hopefully I lean more toward my dad’s side on that one! I feel bad for my mom when she can’t have certain things everyone else is eating, so for family get-togethers and holidays, we try to make all Mom-friendly dishes. It can be challenging at times finding certain gluten-free ingredients (I can rarely find Progresso Cream of Mushroom soup for green-bean casserole) but for the most part, it isn’t too hard to put together a meal she can enjoy too. Plus, a lot of companies are jumping on the no-wheat bandwagon. A few weeks ago, I was in the baking aisle at the grocery store, and there was a whole row of gluten-free Betty Crocker desserts. I made the brownies for one of our family dinners, and they were so delicious! I think they were better than the regular baked goods!

So, back to the chili. To healthy it up a bit, I subbed ground turkey for beef, and threw in some squash, green pepper and onion for extra vitamins and color. Gotta love your veggies! Most of the canned goods I used were organic too. Here’s the complete recipe:


1 28-oz can Muir Glen organic chunky tomato sauce
1 pound Honeysuckle White all-natural, extra-lean ground turkey
2 28-oz cans diced tomatoes (I already had these, so not organic. Frown)
1 15-oz can organic tri-bean blend (dark kidney, pinto and black beans)
2 15 ½-oz cans dark kidney beans (had these already also)
½ can Contadina organic tomato paste
1 yellow onion, diced
2 small squash, diced
2 small green peppers, diced
Watkins all-natural chili powder (add as much or as little as you want for the perfect heat)
Couple of pinches of salt, garlic powder and pepper (sorry, I don’t measure spices. I just add and taste!)

Cooking directions:
Brown meat over medium heat in skillet. In separate pot, add and mix all remaining ingredients and spices. Once meat is cooked thoroughly, add to pot and simmer for about 20-30 minutes on medium-low heat.

I can’t eat chili without crackers, so I had a few Blue Diamond Almond Nut-Thins. Not only are they gluten-free, but super crunchy and delish! I’d take these over saltines any day!

Since I did my workout as soon as I got home (2.2-mile walk and strength training) I’m going to clean my mess up in the kitchen and watch a movie with the husband. Pics of chili night below! Hope you enjoyed the post, Mom! :)

Good alternative to beef!

Browning the meat

Squash from JD's grandmother's garden. And I love this Crate&Barrel cutting board! Wedding gifts are awesome. :)

Simmering and stewing -- love all the colors!

Dinner is served! Chili, side salad with roasted garlic balsamic and a few Almond Nut-Thins. Yum!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Bump, set, spike

I went to a volleyball match tonight, and when I got home, I remembered I was supposed to cook something for "Meg Makes It On Monday." Oops! I even had a recipe picked out -- gluten-free chili -- and the ingredients waiting in the fridge and pantry. But watching my friend, Lori, spike and set her way to a win and getting some girly chat in with her and my friend, Jessica, over sushi and seaweed salad was worth putting it off for a night. I was happy to be there to cheer her on, and it made me miss my high school volleyball days. I remember the excitement and nervousness I felt putting my uniform on, pulling up my worn knee pads and getting out on the court for a quick warm up before a big game. Good times! I may have to join my husband's team in the spring...I just hope I'm not too rusty. As for the chili, tomorrow night, it will be simmering on the stove, and the recipe typed on the blog. :)

Despite a few nachos at Chili's before going to the game, I've had a pretty good few days. I couldn't find an aerobics class Saturday, so I took advantage of the cleared-up weather and walked/jogged two miles with the dog, then did 50 pushups and crunches at home. Sunday, JD and I did another two miles with the dog, so combined with Saturday and last Monday, I completed six miles! I must have done something right, because I weighed this morning, and I was down a pound and a half. Yay!

We also did our food shopping over the weekend, and I took advantage of our local supermarket's new organic section. I've been craving a smoothie since reading about and seeing all the yummy ones on other blogs, so I got some hemp milk, organic protein powder and organic frozen berries. As soon as we purchase another blender this week (ours died a few months ago after an ice accident), I've got a new, delish choice for breakfast or snack. My fruit bowl is filled to the brim with mangoes, bananas, pears and apples, and we picked out some great veggies to compliment the organic, grain-fed beef my mom just bought us. (She rocks!) So we are set for a healthy week!

I guess I need to get my butt off the couch and on the elliptical to work off those chips! Ha Ha! Have a great, successful week!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Let's get physical

It's a bit dreary here today, but I'm feeling great! I woke up with a hankering to get in a long workout today, so I am searching for a good aerobics class to join this morning. I used to do spinning three times a week at the wellness center at my job, and not only was it challenging and fun, but I also got a bonus with it: nice, sculpted gams! Ha!! I had to give up the class since I had to leave work a little early to make it there (the boss didn't like that too much) so I'm hoping to find a similiar one with a weekend schedule.

I've been making good strides this week in the food department. I'm really starting to listen to my body and quit eating when I get that perfectly full feeling (instead of stuffed like a Thanksgiving bird.) Last night, the husband took me out on a shopping and dinner date. After perusing the aisles of Old Time Pottery for new home stuff (great, great store if you have one in your area) we went to my absolute favorite Thai place, Surin. Instead of getting my own sushi for an appetizer, I shared one with JD and skipped the coconut soup that I usually order along with it. My main meal was vegetable and tofu panang, which was absolutely delicious, and most of it went home with me for today's lunch. It's nice to be able to order real meals and enjoy them without the guilt!

I'm still working on retraining my brain about that very thing...that real food is a-ok. All the media, commercials, etc. tell you that fat-free, sugar-free is the only way to lose weight. I haven't done enough research to really debate the topic, but some of the articles I have read on sugar substitutes and food additives are nothing if not frightening!! After studying up on the negative effects of aspartame, and getting "gentle" reminders of how bad the stuff is from my sister (love you, S!), I am trying to give up diet sodas. My new drink of choice? Sodium-free seltzer. It gives you the carbonation without the chemicals. I haven't completely given up all my old habits, (I couldn't bring myself to buy full-fat cottage cheese) but I'm getting there. Baby steps, right?

My goals for this week are to drink more water, stay within my designated Weight Watchers points and to work out every day for at least 30 minutes. JD and I are getting pictures made next weekend, and I definitely want to look my best!

Well, I'm off to fix a healthy breakfast and make some more calls to gyms. Have a fabulous weekend!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sneak Peek

Hey, all! A while back, I told you changes were coming soon to my future blog site, My Web designer, Merideth, put my "Coming Soon" page up today, (thank you, M!!) and I wanted everyone to stop by and get a preview of the shabby-chic "Two Pounds a Week." Hope you love it as much as I do!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Better day

I’m feeling a lot better emotionally today, but not so much physically. Sore throat, clogged ears, achy all over – the works. Bleh! I think it must be the start of a cold or an allergic reaction to the wild shrimp we had for dinner last night. Which, if it was, the ramifications are definitely worth it! The husband and I used the shrimp as one of our main ingredients for kabobs, along with onions, MB’s squash and green peppers, mushrooms and chunks of all-natural chicken. JD brushed them with a balsamic dressing, and since our grill decided not to light, we moved to Plan B and broiled them in the oven.

I was in the mood for a comforting side dish, so I put our pressure cooker to good use and made some homemade mashed potatoes. A little organic milk, sour cream and a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese made them smooth and delicious! Since we were on such a culinary kick, I put together a healthy snack for the week – black bean salad. I made it with one can of black beans, a couple of MB’s tomatoes (definitely putting her produce to good use) diced, a cup or so of frozen corn, half a finely-chopped onion, a heaping portion of cilantro, cumin, salt and pepper. I had some today when I got home from work with a handful of Garden of Eatin’ organic blue corn tortilla chips. So good!

I’m hoping to get a workout in this evening, despite the cranial sluggishness. I have my iPod Shuffle stocked with Fergie, Katy Perry, Lady GaGa and other tunes to keep me rockin and walkin, whether outside or on my elliptical (I’m waiting to see if the rain stays away). It may be good for the soul, and the sinuses, to get outside for some fresh air.

On a side note, I know I missed my “Meg Makes It on Mondays” this week. Since it was a holiday, we went to my folks’ house for organic steaks and veggies. I promise to cook up someone’s delicious meal idea next week. If you have a recipe you think would “wow” the husband and I, please e-mail it to me at All suggestions are appreciated!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I'm having a bit of a down day. It could be that my three-day weekend is over, or that I couldn't find the perfect chef salt-and-pepper shakers while out yesterday to compliment my now-useful kitchen. But the big reason is I weighed myself this morning, and I am exactly where I started more than a month ago. Ugh.

I've never shared my "number" on my blog, or with anyone but my husband for that matter. Mainly because I always get discouraged when I hear someone (who is about my height or taller) say they need to lose a few pounds, or are "so fat" or whatever, when their weight is what I'm hoping to reach. So I don't want to make someone feel bad if their goal is what I currently weigh. Everyone has a number or size that is comfortable and healthy for them, and it doesn't always have to be what the height/weight charts across the Internet or society tells you to be. My goal is actually on the higher end of the spectrum for my height. When I lost 28 pounds a few years ago, even though I was in the normal range for my height, I, and several of my friends and family, thought I looked too thin. So now I'm trying to reach what I think is a good compromise between what I weigh now and what I weighed then. But it sure seems to be taking a loonng time!

I can't quite figure out why my metabolism is acting like a stalled car. I have had my thyroid tested – perfectly fine. I do have a Vitamin D deficiency, but I've been taking supplements for months now. I exercise regularly. I eat right (the majority of the time, that is). Yet not even a few ounces want to drop off – why?!

I'm frustrated and a bit defeated, but I know that anytime I feel like this, I need to put it all in perspective. I am eating "real" foods, drinking water and working out more now than I ever have before, which has to be doing good things for my body (even though the scale doesn't seem to think so.)

Despite being a little blue, I don't want to give up. I will just forge ahead with the plan I'm on, continue counting points, increase my workout sessions and make more and more good choices (especially on weekends.) Hopefully, perseverance will pay off in the long run. Hopefully.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sometimes the best things in life are free

I love my husband’s grandmother, “Mama Betty.” She’s sassy, opinionated, caring and an excellent cook. I felt a connection with her the very first time I met her, when she was bustling about, buttering bread and pouring freshly pressure-cooked peas in a bowl.

About every Sunday, we make the hour drive to JD’s hometown for church and family lunch at Mama Betty’s house. True to her Southern roots, she believes in real food and real frying. Fried okra and squash, extra crispy chicken…you name it, she’ll batter it. Luckily for the healthy gal I’m trying to be, she also puts out plenty of fruits and vegetables straight from their garden (which is big enough to feed the entire state of Texas). And even luckier for us, she has no problem sharing…a lot! She sent us home with loaded bags of squash, tomatoes and way too many green peppers to ever imagine eating between the two of us. (Any takers?) Organic veggies without the organic price tag…love it!

Enthused by our supply of homegrown produce, the husband and I made a trip across town to the Fresh Market for seafood and more organic goods. On the menu this week will be wild Flounder tacos, topped with MB's tomatoes, chicken and shrimp skewers, with the squash as one of the ingredients, and a big batch of chili with green peppers. I also got two boxes of organic cereal, my first loaf of Ezekiel bread and blue corn organic tortilla chips. I feel fresher already! Ha!

Hopefully all this real food will cancel out the way-too-many calories I consumed yesterday. College football has begun, which is more of a fixation in the South than an ice-filled jar of sweet tea. We went to our friends, Brett and Amy’s house, to catch some pigskin action, and boy, the food was a plenty! Burgers, hot dogs, chips and dip, sweet potato fries, fruit…oh my! I made the mistake of sitting right in front of the chip bowl, and I do believe my hand was possessed. Next time, I’ll put a few on my plate and move away…far, far away!

For everyone who has tomorrow off, (YAY!) have a happy and healthy Monday!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy Reunion

After being in Yuma, Arizona, for three weeks on business, my husband is on a plane this very moment to come home. I am so anxious to see him; the butterflies have already begun! It has been difficult not having him around, especially through the ups and downs I've had on my food and fitness plan the past few weeks. Last night, I was aggravated and a bit down because the tenderness in my legs started creeping in again. I thought the tibial tendonitis had fully healed, but after another workout with the Sarg on the EA Active and a walk/jog with the dog, the familiar aches made themselves painfully known. Frustrating! Since he was working, (there's a two-hour time diff between us) I sent him a text message:

Me: I'm discouraged.

Him: I'm sorry babe. Why are you discouraged?

Me: I just feel like I'm having a lot of setbacks when I am finally getting my act together and doing this right. My legs hurt so badly.

Him: We will just have to find other ways for you to meet your goal.

Me: I want this weight off.

Him: You will get to your goal. Don't be discouraged. You are doing wonderful.

The big clincher in this sweet little dialogue for me was the simple "we." Ever since becoming a couple 3 ½ years ago, and man and wife last May, JD has always taken on challenges with me and supported me through them as if they were his own. When I found out while we were engaged that I may have difficulties having children, something we both want one day, he hugged a concerned and tearful me and said, "As long as I have you, I'm happy. We'll figure it all out when the time comes." When my grandfather passed away in April, without having to say a word, he was on the phone with my boss, letting them know I would be out of work for a few days, and searching for plane tickets for the both of us to attend the services in Arizona. Even this week, when I was feeling overwhelmed about my ridiculous doctor bill, he told me it would be ok, to not worry about it for now and that he would call the company about it when he got home.

And I know when he gets here, he'll be eating veggies and tofu (maybe) with me, shopping for organic goods, going along on the daily dog walks and cheering me on every inch and pound of the way. So for being the outstanding man he is, I wanted to dedicate today's post to him. I am truly grateful to be Mrs. D!

Who is your biggest fan? And how do they support you in achieving your health and fitness goals?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

If you are happy, and you know it…

Clap those hands! I feel like doing a little applauding today for good food and fitness choices this week. I’ve been loading up on lots of fruits, veggies and lean protein and am actually using my (gasp) oven. Wow!

And drum roll please…I am back in boot camp with Sassy Sarg! More wow! My foot is feeling fantastic, so I decided to reintroduce myself to the EA Active for Wii. I thought for sure the game would shut off or something due to my two-week plus absence, but all I got was a warning that my 30-day challenge training was past due. At least I wasn’t fined! I started Day 1 last night, and I was feeling it all day today. Lots of squats, running, arm curls and praise from the coach. I just hope the tibia behaves itself for Day 2’s workout.

I also did something today that I’ve been meaning to do for three years now…I got my moles rechecked. I only have a sprinkling of them, but a little one on my face that used to be flat is now not, so I thought I better go in and have them all examined by a skin professional. Though it was a bit (more like a bunch) embarrassing standing there in an open paper dress, I’m glad I got it over with. All my freckles are just fine, thanks. Better to be on the safe side, right?

I guess that’s all for now. My dog is begging to go for a walk. Almost the weekend…woo hoo!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'm giving myself 30 more minutes... be a couch potato. Why, you may ask? Well, my head feels like it is about to pop off! I have had a headache alllllll day, which was made $152 worse when I checked the mail and received the doctor's bill for my bloated foot. I went to American Family Care (a.k.a. crooks-in-the-box) that day because my usual medical professional had gone home, and now, I wish I had just iced up and hunkered down until the next business day. I couldn't believe what I was reading...not only did they charge me $100 for the office visit, (and by "visit," they must mean making me wait 30 minutes to be seen while they talked about Wii games in the hallway, then come in, poke on my foot and declare tendonitis) but I am also expected to pay for "surgery" and "equipment." Wha?!

I called their office and calmly asked what kind of surgery prodding a few bones or whatever is, which was rudely met by a loud sigh and "What's the name?" by the obviously ready-to-go-home lady on the other end of the line. She informed me that the said surgery was for the nurse putting the brace on. I wanted to husband was actually the one that put the boot on for me, because the girl had no idea (and even said so) how to lace it up. So I guess I should pay him $66 and call him Dr. JD since he apparently performed surgery. Impressive, babe!

And the "equipment" that they say costs $100 was WAY too big for me, so we had to go buy a smaller one anyway, which was the same brand and less than $30. Needless to say, even though insurance paid for part of the charges, I feel completely robbed. The receptionist gave me the number to the corporate office, who she said is actually the culprit for this ridiculous bill, but it was past office hours when I tried to reach them. I’m sure I’ll get some yada yada explanation and ultimately be told there’s nothing they can do, which seems to be the preferred phrase of most companies these days. (Credit cards being at the absolute top of my loath list)

My head is actually starting to feel better, probably thanks to two Excedrin and this hefty rant, so I guess I should release the rest of my frustration on the elliptical. I just hope it doesn’t charge me per calorie.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Whew...I'm tired!

I haven't been sleeping well lately, so I'm hoping tonight's workout will help me get some much-needed rest. As soon as I got home from work, I leashed up the pooch, and we took a brisk walk/jog under the warning clouds. Luckily, the rain held off! I got a little more cardio on my elliptical machine, then did some arm and ab work. Not to the Jillian Michaels level probably, but hey, I got moving. :)

I kept my wellness momentum going and fixed a healthy dinner. Salmon was my main dish, but I wanted to do a little something different with it. So, I cut an orange, squeezed the juice over the fish, and added cumin, pepper and salt. I had a bag of whole okra in the freezer, so even though it isn't Monday, I thought I'd try Kath's okra fries. Both salmon and side were fantastic and filling! And I love having enough leftovers for lunch. Of course, dessert was two of Jeannie's cookies. I took a huge bag of those to work today, and everyone was raving about them!

That's all I've got for today. I'm about to watch a movie and hopefully fall asleep. A full eight hours would be an exhausted girl's dream come true! Night!